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Who we are
The story of our establishment in 1934 onwards; our past presidents
Our National Board
(and list of past presidents)
Presidents of Honour
Current President of Honour, Janet Frame Memorial lectures, list of past Presidents of Honour
Our Staff
Including National Office staff, NZ Author Magazine Editor, PEN representative, and our representatives in industry sector groups
Te Kaituhi Māori
Te Kaituhi Māori is an exciting evolving space designed to bring together, support, and uplift the voices of kaituhi Māori from across the motu and beyond. Te Kaituhi Māori is run by kaituhi Māori for kaituhi Māori.
Our branches
Join one of our eight regional branches. For writers under 30, there is Pens and PJs too!
Northland Branch
Auckland Branch
Waikato Branch
Central Districts Branch
Wellington Branch
Top of the South Branch
Canterbury Branch
Pens and PJs NZSA youth writing group
Advertise with us
Reach out to our members, industry professionals, key stakeholders and subscribing libraries. Advertising Rates, Deadlines and Booking Forms.
The NZ Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa (PEN NZ) Inc is proudly supported by a range of organisations and with thanks to those who support us and the literary sector in Aotearoa.
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Our podcasts
The NZ Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa (PEN NZ) Inc shares its audio history! Oral histories of writers from the 1970s on, notable recorded lectures and workshops
Public Lending Right
Archive – letters and submissions
PEN International, Writers in Prison
PEN International and advocacy on behalf of writers whose freedom of speech and expression are threatened
Courage Day and the Empty Chair campaign
Read local buy local
Media adaptation and quotas
Fair rates of pay
Support for export
Sustainability in publishing industry
Ministry of Education, licensing and rights
Professional Development
NZSA Mentor Programme
Giving beginning/emerging writers the opportunity to work closely with an experienced writer as their mentor
NZSA Kaituhi Māori Mentorship Programme
Giving emerging writers who whakapapa Māori the opportunity to work closely with an acclaimed Māori writer as their mentor to hone their tuhituhi ability and, in the process, evolve and refine a work toward a publishable state
NZSA Kupu Kaitiaki Programme for Kaituhi Māori
A programme pairing emerging kaituhi Māori with an experienced te reo Māori pūkenga and literary advisor - Kupu Kaitiaki - to offer valuable feedback on a manuscript written in te reo Māori
NZSA Youth Mentor Programme
Giving emerging writers who are senior secondary school students mentoring support. With the aim to nurture, encourage, inspire and develop emerging writers with the support of established authors through the mentoring process.
NZSA StartWrite writing sample and synopsis assessment programme
An excellent opportunity for writers who want to get an appraisal for part of a manuscript. Writers can send in a piece of writing, up to 6,000 words (for poetry up to 20 pages), and a one page synopsis.
NZSA CompleteMS Manuscript Assessment Programme
The aim of the programme is to provide writers with that essential critical feedback on an advanced work, moving it closer to publication.
NZSA Webworkshops
Featuring writers and industry professionals offering virtual workshops on topics such as self-publishing, romance writing, poetry, structure, short stories, pitching, contract advice, dystopian writing and the business of writing.
NZSA Writer Toolkit
Take modules on craft, industry and life as a writer. Whether you’re starting out, mid-career or established. Available to do in your own time.
NZSA Regional Roadshows
Each one-day conference offers local writers access to professional development, masterclasses, workshops and panel discussions taught by experienced writers from across Aotearoa.
Te Kaituhi Māori Professional Development
Writer Toolkit modules and kōrero for kaituhi Māori
Perfect Online Pitch
An annual opportunity to pitch your (polished) manuscript to a leading New Zealand publisher and, if successful, to submit your full manuscript.
NZSA Laura Solomon Cuba Press Prize
Annual and open to published and unpublished authors who are invited to enter manuscripts written across genres ie fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, drama or children’s writing, to be judged within the criteria set by Laura Solomon, for new writing with a ‘unique and original vision’.
NZSA Peter and Dianne Beatson Fellowship
Annual award open to (NZSA member) writers of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama who are working on a new project.
Michael Gifkins Prize for an Unpublished Novel
This prize ran for six years, with six exciting books being published and released as a result.
CLNZ|NZSA Research Grants
Annual grant for New Zealand writers that provides assistance to writers wishing to undertake research for a fiction or non-fiction writing project.
CLNZ|NZSA Writers Award
Annual grant providing financial support for writers wishing to devote time to a specific project, and to cover reasonable research expenses relating to it.
NZSA Lilian Ida Smith Award
Provides the successful applicant with an award of $3000 to assist them towards completion of a specific project.
NZSA Shaw Writer’s Award
A new annual award for mid-career fiction writers working on a new project.
NZSA Membership Benefits
Your NZ Society of Authors membership gives you access to a wide variety of benefits.
Members Only Advice
Info and links to members only advice and information.
Logging on and managing your profile
for members
Rejoining and Renewing Members
Information about how to rejoin or renew your membership
NZ Author Magazine
Current issue and archive of previous issues
Literary Bulletin
Current issue and archive of previous issues
Latest books by NZSA Members
The New Books Bulletin is a monthly e-release showcasing published writing in the quarter of their release
New Books Bulletin submission
Current members of the New Zealand Society of Authors can submit one book per monthly issue. Information submitted must be correct and proofed. Please check before submitting.
Professional opportunities within NZSA
NZSA offers a number of opportunities for NZSA members – paid opportunities that utilise the skills that members have developed as part of their writing career, and in opportunities to take a more active part in our writing community (some paid, some voluntary).
NZSA Logo for Members
Health and safety compliance
For NZSA events including covid 19 policies
Members Discounts
Members Only Contract Info
Resources for assessing contracts
Most popular resources
Quick links to our top pages
All about assessments/assessors, structural editing, copy editing, editors, proofreaders and more
Written a book? - information about the publishing landscape and links to NZ publishers
Once your book has been assessed, edited, designed and is going to press you can market it.
Writing Groups
Local writing groups by region
Further Resources
Some useful links to resources
NZSA ADVOCACY – Policy Tweaks to Improve Conditions for NZ Writers
Posted on 22 September 2021
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