
NZSA CompleteMS Programme opens

Do you have a completed draft of your manuscript that’s ready to take to the next level?

Poetry, fiction, short fiction, non-fiction… Apply now for the NZSA Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa CompleteMS Manuscript Assessment Programme.

The NZSA CompleteMS assessment programme is now open for applications. Thirteen successful applicants will receive essential critical feedback on an advanced work, moving it closer to publication.

CompleteMS is for writers who have completed a manuscript through a number of drafts and now require the objective view of an experienced assessor to provide a constructive critique.

Deadline: 28 May 2022

To apply for this professional development you need to be a member of the NZ Society of Authors. Membership of NZSA is $130 per annum, with a reduced rate for students – more about membership here. New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa encourages applications from Māori, Pacific and Asian writers.

Further information and application forms

Some comments on the CompleteMS experience

In 2020, author Jo Danilo was one of the assessment recipients, and she said this about her experience:  It’s difficult for a fiction writer to see where their manuscript needs more attention as they are too close to their work. Friends and relatives can only add to the confusion with differing opinions and a natural aversion to criticising their loved one. So, to receive a manuscript assessment from a well-regarded professional author who knows what they’re doing is priceless.

As an CompleteMS programme assessor, author, editor and creative writing lecturer Siobhan Harvey says: This is an absolutely indispensable service offered by the NZSA to a key author market.

The CompleteMS Programme is made possible thanks to funding from Creative New Zealand.

For further information and for media enquiries: Jenny Nagle, Chief Executive director@nzauthors.org.nz 09 3794801   authors.org.nz

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