
Picture Me Festival – call for illustration submissions

This September Gecko Press and some friends in the European community are delighted to bring you the Picture Me festival, a celebration of European illustration for children, with a special focus on identity.
Picture Me is a two-week festival of art involving three fantastic European illustrators in workshops, panel talks and an exhibition. Gecko Press invite children’s book illustrators to submit work for inclusion in the exhibition alongside our international guests.The works to be shown will be selected by New Zealand illustrator Gavin Bishop and Julia Marshall, founder of Gecko Press. They will show at Te Auaha Gallery from 12 to 28 September.

To submit for inclusion in the exhibition, please select one illustration from a published or unpublished picture book that connects to the festival theme of identity – for example a portrait of a character, a place, or a symbol of identity. Submissions should be email resolution files or links to high resolution, for eventual printing at A2 or A3 dimensions. We also ask for a maximum of 50 words explaining why you have chosen this illustration for the theme. More

Images should be submitted by July 26th to rachel@geckopress.com with ILLUSTRATOR EXHIBITION in the subject line.

Please pass on this invitation to your networks. And sign up here for more news about the professional networking and workshop opportunities available during the festival.

We would love to see you at the events – and we look forward to a rich collection of illustrations exploring identity.

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