Storylines Margaret Mahy National Awards Day & Award Winners

Congratulations to all of the 2024 Storylines Award winners who were presented with their awards on Sunday 7 April at an event held at the National Library of NZ in Parnell, Auckland.

The 2024 winners are;

Storylines Gaelyn Gordon Award: The Dragon Hunters written by James Russell, illustrated by Link Choi

Storylines Janice Marriott Mentoring Award: Jonathan Poff, Ashburton for manuscript titled Pan-Pan!

Storylines Gavin Bishop Award: Kaye Julian, Wellington

Storylines Joy Cowley Award: Annelies Judson, Tāmaki Makaurau for manuscript titled Turkey Hurly-Burly

Storylines Tessa Duder Award: Kiri Lightfoot, Auckland for manuscript titled Bear

No Storylines Tom Fitzgibbon Award for a Junior Fiction Manuscript or Storylines Te Kahurangi Kāterina Heikōkō Mataira Award for a manuscript in te reo Māori was presented.

The recipients of the Unpublished Writers Awards were:

Storylines Joy Cowley Award: Anne Slight, Whangamatā

Storylines Tom Fitzgibbon Award: Kara Laurenson, Tauranga

Storylines Tessa Duder Award: Hannah Marshall, Wellington

Elizabeth Jones, Winner Storylines Margaret Mahy Medal

The Dragon Hunters by James Russell, illustrated by Link Choi winners of the 2024 Storylines Gaelyn Gordon Award for a much loved book.

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