
University Book Shop Summer Writer in Residence In Association With Robert Lord Writers’ Cottage Trust


The University Book Shop Summer Writer in Residence Award, in association with the Robert Lord Writers’ Cottage Trust, is open to emerging writers who are normally resident in New Zealand and write for adults, young adults or children. They may write in any genre including poetry, drama, fiction, narrative non-fiction, graphic novels, biography, autobiography, essays or literary criticism. It is based in Ōtepoti/Dunedin, New Zealand’s UNESCO City of Literature.

The residency aims to provide an opportunity for the recipient to concentrate on their writing work to assist in finalising a piece of writing or to help prepare a submission for further publication. The residency runs annually for six weeks between the beginning of January and the end of February. The exact dates will change each year and will be concurrent with the University of Otago Summer School term.


As an emerging writer’s resident the applicant is required to have at least one significant work or a body of smaller works published in reputable literary journals, collections, anthologies, online equivalents or previously staged in the case of a playwright. The recipient of the residency will be an applicant who, in the opinion of the University Book Shop Summer Writer in Residence Advisory Group, has established by their published work, or otherwise, that their writing would benefit from the residency.

The final decision on the award and who the recipient is lies at the discretion of University Book Shop (Otago) Ltd.


  • Accommodation at the Robert Lord Writers’ Cottage in North Dunedin. This is conveniently located within walking distance of the University Book Shop and University
  • A six week residency, to mirror the University of Otago Summer School semester
  • A working space at the University Book Shop with full internet and a generous amount of photocopier/printer support
  • A stipend of $2000 during the residency, paid in one lump sum to a NZ bank account
  • UBS Otago staff discount on book purchases during your time in the residence
  • Access to the wider community of the University of Otago, City of Literature, Public Libraries and NZ Society of Authors during their time in Dunedin


  • At least one in-store or public event from the writer, possibly in collaboration with other local writers or performers
  • Reasonable participation in publicity around the Residency, such as media interviews and social media communications
  • A short piece of writing about the University Book Shop and/or their experience of being the Summer Writer in Residence
  • An acknowledgement of University Book Shop (Otago) Ltd and the Robert Lord Writers’ Cottage Trust in any published work arising from the residency
  • That they be responsible for all taxation and ACC payments relating to the residency
  • Adherence to all conditions of the tenancy for the Robert Lord Writers’ Cottage Trust


The University Book Shop Summer Writer in Residence is offered in partnership with the Robert Lord Writers’ Cottage in North Dunedin. This delightful cottage is the perfect base from which to work and continues the work of the Robert Lord Writers’ Cottage Trust in supporting writers. The small one bedroom cottage is fully furnished and equipped with broadband access. Any broadband usage over the Trusts’ plan will be met by the Residency recipient.

The University Book Shop has held a unique place in the literary community of

Ōtepoti/Dunedin and New Zealand for over seventy years. As a pivot-point between both the University and the City there are a number of opportunities and experiences that may be open to you depending on the recipient’s level of desire to get involved. These may include, but are not limited to:

  • Dunedin UNESCO City of Literature networks
  • University of Otago Centre for the Book
  • Partnering with Dunedin Public Libraries
  • Local writing groups and events such as NZ Society of Author Salons or Octagon Collective Poetry readings
  • The historic Dunedin Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute
  • Research libraries and archives such as the Hocken Library, McNab Room at the Dunedin Public Library, Toitu Settlers Museum, Archives New Zealand and many more


Applications open 9 September – 6 October. Recipient announced late October.

To request the application form contact gm@unibooks.co.nz and reply with the completed form or post to PO Box 6060 Dunedin North.

Provide supporting evidence of meeting the emerging writer criteria.

Each year a panel of 2–4 participants will be invited to form the upcoming year’s University Book Shop Summer Writer in Residence Advisory Group. Members may have particular expertise in any of the following: writing, editing, manuscript assessment, publishing, academic appraisal. The final decision on the award and who the recipient is lies at the discretion of University Book Shop (Otago) Ltd.

The recipient will also be required to sign a simple tenancy agreement with the Robert Lord Writers’ Cottage Trust.

Travel arrangements and costs are the responsibility of the recipient.

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