
2020 NZSA Heritage Book Awards – shortlists announced

NZSA Heritage Literary Awards Announce Shortlist

NZSA Canterbury Branch

Date: 14.10.20

Judges have announced the short lists for the 2020 New Zealand Heritage Book Awards. All work this year was asked to reflect on “Encountering our Stories: Art, Culture, Identity.”

New categories this year are Te Reo books and Children’s Books. 50 entries were received for the Non-Fiction category.

Prize winners will be announced at  WORD on Thursday 29th October at 7:00 at an event held at St Michaels and All Angels, Oxford Terrace, Christchurch. All welcome

Further information: Jenny Haworth (NZSA Canterbury, Festival Committee Chair) jjhaworth@xtra.co.nz


The Short Listed titles are:

Non Fiction: (Judged by Hilary and John Mitchell)

Merchant Miner Mandarin:  The Life and Times of Remarkable Choie Sew Hoy by Jenny Sew Hoy Agnew & Trevor Agnew; (Canterbury University Press)

Leading Lady:  Eve Poole – A Life in the Spotlight by Vivienne Allan (Quentin Wilson Publishing)

Leading the Way: 100 Years of the Tararua Tramping Club by Shaun Barnett & Chris Maclean (Tararua Tramping Club in conjunction with Potton and Burton)

Ripiro Beach:  A Memoir of Life After Near Death by Caroline Barron; (Bateman Books)

Marti Friedlander:  Portraits of the Artists by Leonard Bell (Auckland University Press)

Llew Summers:  Body and Soul by John Newton (Canterbury University Press)

Upstream on the Mataura by Dougal Rillstone (Mary Egan Publishing)

This Farming Life:  Five Generations on a New Zealand Farm by Tim Saunders (Allen and Unwin)

Searching for Charlie: In Pursuit of the Real Charles Upham VC & Bar by Tom Scott (Upstart Press)

Colin McCahon: Volumes I and II by Peter Simpson (Auckland University Press)

Pakeha Settlements in a Māori World: New Zealand Archaeology 1769-1860 by Ian Smith  (Bridget Williams Books)

You Have a Lot to Lose by C Karl Stead (Auckland University Press)

Rescue:  One New Zealander’s Crusade to Save Endangered Animals by Michael Willis (Quentin Wilson Publishing)


Fiction:  Judged by Maxine Alterio

Frankie McMillan, The Father of Octopus Wrestling; (Canterbury University Press)

Joanna Orwin Shifting Currents; (Joanna Orwin)

Fiona Kidman, All the Way to Summer; (Vintage Penguin Random House)

Renee, The Wild Card; (The Cuba Press)

Cristina Sanders Jerningham; (The Cuba Press)

John Horrocks, Dark Empire; (Steele Roberts Aotearoa Publishers)

P.J McKay The Telling Time; (Polako Press)

Tom Remiger Soldiers (Text Publishing Company)

Helen J O’Neill The Stories of Eileen Duggan. (Victoria University Press)


Te Reo: Judged by Hana O’Regan

Haare Williams – Words of a Kaumātua Witi Ihimaera Ed. (Auckland University Press)

Whakarongo ki ō tūpuna by Darryn Joseph; (Oratia Publishing)

Te Reo Māori by David Kārena-Holmes; (Aotearoa Books)


Short Prose: Judged by Becky Manawatu

Small Moments in the History of a Small Country by Paul Maunder

Land Wars? by Marcus Hobson

Season of Seven Summers by Nod Ghosh

The Gate by Janet Newman

Weaving my Family’s Stories by Jean Rath

The Tearooms by Mandy McMullin


Poetry: Judged by Teoti Jardine

Colonial Commodity by Karen Zelas

Te Mana o Te Wai by Mike Riddell

The Last Blacksmith by Jenna Heller

Airing the Family Linen by Jeni Curtis

The Woman from Deerschaw by Jeni Curtis

Hiruhārama by Gregory Dally

Whitebait by Janet Newman

View from Pigeon Island Lake Wakitipu by Husayn Rawlings

Auntie Marg by Louise Hart

Combat Ready by Sherry Grant

Let me Connect the Homes by Rachel McAlpine

Reg Lee by Kay McKenzie Cooke

On a Mat at the Bottom of the World by Kay McKenzie Cooke

Blackberry Days by Kay McKenzie Cooke;


Children’s judged by James Norcliffe

The Adventures of Tupaia by Courtney Sina Meredith and Mat Tait (Allen and Unwin)

Hindsight: Pivotal Moments in New Zealand History by Mandy Hager (One Tree House)

Icebreaker! An Epic Antarctic Adventure by Maria Gill, illustrated by Alistair Hughes (New Holland)

Lost Wonders: Vanished Creatures of Aotearoa by Sarah Ell, illustrated by Phoebe Morris (Allen and Unwin)

New Zealand Nature Heroes by Gillian Candler (Potton and Burton)





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