The establishment of Te Awhi Rito New Zealand Reading Ambassador for children and young adults was announced in August by Prime Minister and then-Minister for Arts Culture and Heritage Jacinda Ardern.The founding partners have since then worked to develop the processes and protocols that govern the establishment and ongoing delivery of the role. Appointment to the role is by nomination, with nominations open from 9 December, closing at 5pm on 22 January 2021. Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa National Library of New Zealand and our partners are calling for nominations for Te Awhi Rito New Zealand Reading Ambassador for children and young people. Te Awhi Rito Reading Ambassador is a new role that will support and champion the importance of reading in the lives of young New Zealanders, their whānau and communities. “We’re looking for the right person to inspire, empower and mobilise powerful, positive As a national reading role model, the Reading Ambassador will increase the visibility and awareness of reading across all sectors, helping to create a nation of readers. They will make connections between the many organisations involved in reading, literacy, literature and the wellbeing of young people. The Reading Ambassador will also build the appreciation and growth of stories and literature that reflect Aotearoa New Zealand, including increased creation of and access to reading resources in Te Reo Māori and the diverse languages and cultures of Aotearoa. For more information about the role of Te Awhi Rito New Zealand Reading Ambassador and how to submit a nomination online, follow the link above. Nominations close on Friday 22 January 2021. The National Library of New Zealand leads the initiative, Te Awhi Rito New Zealand Ambassador in partnership with Te Puna Foundation, Read New Zealand Te Pou Muramura, Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa and Storylines Children’s Literature Charitable Trust Te Whare Waituhi Tamariki o Aotearoa. For further information, please contact or call DIA media on +64 27 535 8639 Read about the role and its establishment. The nomination form can be accessed from here. Please pass this information on to anyone you know who may be interested. |
Call for nominations for Te Awhi Rito – Reading Ambassador for NZ