CLNZ Contestable Fund 2018 – $75,000 OPEN NOW

If you’re working on a project that aims to make a positive impact on New Zealand writing and publishing, you should consider applying for a CLNZ Contestable Fund Grant.

This year, $75,000 is available to support strategic projects that demonstrate New Zealand publishing sector growth.

Each year, a portion of the revenue collected by Copyright Licensing New Zealand (CLNZ) is allocated to the Cultural Fund, and is made available for applicants to apply for. Successful recipients for a CLNZ Contestable Fund Grant will receive funding to support their writing projects that have clearly defined and measureable outcomes that align with the Cultural Fund objectives.

The amount you apply for is up to you, with the number of successful recipients varying each year depending on the individual merits of the applications received.


Applications must be received before 4pm Monday 20 August 2018.
Successful recipients will be announced in September.

What is the CLNZ Cultural Fund?
These grants are made possible through CLNZ’s Cultural Fund. The Cultural Fund’s objectives are to:

  • Protect – writers’ and publishers’ ability to earn revenue from their works
  • Support – the creation and production of new works and assist the commercial success of New Zealand works
  • Grow – the number of works created and skills in the industry

To find out more about the CLNZ Cultural Fund or to view application criteria visit: or email

Links & contact details:

How to apply

Applications must be made online. To apply or to find out more, please visit:

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