We are pleased to announce that 13 emerging writers have been selected for The New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa 2025 Mentorship Programme.
The selection panel of convenor Sharon Manssen along with panellists Ruby Porter and Jacqui McRae commented: ‘To all the writers, we would like to say well done in having faith in yourself and your work to submit to this programme. This writing journey can be solitary, but it is so important to be open to feedback from more experienced writers.
At the end of the day, we were only able to select thirteen recipients for the Mentorship. If you missed out, please do not be disheartened: there was extremely tough competition, and just because you missed out does not mean you weren’t worthy of a mentor. We want to say don’t give up to those that did not make the shortlist. Keep going.
To the successful writers, we would like to say congratulations. Your work stood out with the potential to be developed to a publishable state. We wish you well with your mentorships.’
The 2025 mentees are emerging writers with unique voices and we congratulate: Kirstie Baker-Slater (Whangaparāoa), Julie Biuso (Waiheke Island), Sheryn Dean (Tīrau), Nicola Dennis, (Ōtepoti | Dunedin), Emma Harris, (Tāmaki Makaurau | Auckland), Niamh Hollis-Locke, (Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington), Chris Maoate (Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington), Michelle Mearns (Tāmaki Makaurau | Auckland), Marlon Moala-Knox (Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington), Felicity Monk (Tāmaki Makaurau | Auckland), Melanie Newfield (Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington), Jessica Thornley (Whāingaroa | Raglan), and Stephen Williams (Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington).
Photos and bios of the mentees.
They will spend the remainder of 2025 honing their skills and developing their craft under the mentorship of some of New Zealand’s finest professional writers. These mentees will be paired with an experienced writer for their mentorship from our list of industry mentors. Find out more about the NZSA Mentor Programme.
The NZSA Mentorship programme is offered every year by the NZSA to foster and develop emerging writers to hone their craft with the support of established practitioners. The NZSA has run its highly successful mentoring programme for writers since 1999. The NZSA Mentor programme is made possible with funding from Creative New Zealand.
For further information and for media enquiries: Jenny Nagle, Chief Executive director@nzauthors.org.nz | 09 3794801 | authors.org.nz