NZSA member Joy Cowley joins Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi whānau

Celebrating our 2020 Whakamana Hiranga the Icons at Government House

December 1, 2020

Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi guests come together at Government House to celebrate three exceptional artists as Whakamana Hiranga Icons; Dr Sandy Adsett MNZM, Sam Neill DCNZM OBE, and Joy Cowley ONZ DCNZM OBE, who this year joined a living circle of twenty of Aotearoa, New Zealand’s most significant artists – the Icons.

Whakamana Hiranga – the Icon Awards – are our highest honour and recognise the remarkable impact each artist has had on their practice, community, and the cultural landscape of Aotearoa. 2020 marks a total of forty artists honoured as Icons since the beginning of the awards. Twenty are living, and twenty have passed on.

We pass on our congratulations to all, but especially to Joy Cowley!






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