Flash Frontier
The opening issue of 2016, the February dance issue, guest edited by Elizabeth Smither and James Norcliffe — who are also this year’s National Flash Fiction Day competition judges (comp is open — here for details) is available. Elizabeth and James were kind enough to share their insights after reading and selecting stories for this issue; you can find those comments at the top of the […]
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2016 Prime Minister’s Awards for Literary Achievement: call for nominations
Don’t miss your opportunity to nominate your pick of our finest writers for the 2016 Prime Minister’s Awards for Literary Achievement. Every year, New Zealanders are invited to nominate writers who have made a significant contribution to New Zealand literature in the categories of non-fiction, poetry or fiction. $60,000 is awarded in each genre. New […]
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Two authors start 2016 with trans-Tasman mentorship with publisher
NZSA / Hachette Mentor program recipients announced The New Zealand Society of Authors (PEN NZ Inc) and Hachette Australia and New Zealand are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2016 NZSA / Hachette Mentor Program. Originally only one writer was to get the opportunity to work on a new draft of their completed manuscript […]
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NZSA / Auckland Museum Research Grants – Recipients Announced!
The New Zealand Society of Authors and Auckland War Memorial Museum are delighted to announce the recipients of the NZSA Auckland Museum National and Auckland Regional Grants. The National Grant goes to Paolo Rotondo. Paolo is a screenwriter, playwright, filmmaker and actor who will be researching for his theatrical piece, Kororareka. Paolo will use the […]
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NZSA Lilian Ida Smith Award – Recipient Announced!
We are delighted to announce the winner of the NZSA Lilian Ida Smith Award 2015 is Auckland writer Caroline Barron. With 73 entries for this award, the selection panel had a tough time deciding on a winner. The range and quality of the work submitted was impressive. Entries covered a broad range including novels, writing […]
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Congratulations! The Winner of the 2015 NZ Bookshop Day Best Promotion is …
Congratulations to Carole Beu and the great team at The Women’s Bookshop for winning the Best Promotion reflecting the essence of NZ Bookshop Day – “Your Place, Your Bookshop”. The judging was carried out by the entire team at Booksellers NZ. It was a very close competition with the top contenders barely separable, as each […]
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Support Courage Day – 15 November
Courage Day (also known as The Day of the Imprisoned Writer) recognises writers who defend the right to free speech, and those who suffer oppression and are killed / imprisoned for their work. The beginning of the year was heralded with the deaths of 12 people following a bloody attack on the offices of the […]
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Writer Testimonial
Just wanted to say “thanks” for your help. In 2012 my children’s novel, Hieroglyph was selected for one of ten MS assessments then selected for 1 of 5 mini-mentorships. I was privileged to have Anna Mackenzie as my mentor. Hieroglyph, has now been released through CopyPress in NZ and available on Amazon. The mentor programme helped […]
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Writers Island – New Podcast for Indie Authors Launching Books
A new radio show (for podcast) for Indie authors on Radio Access in Wellington called “Writers Island” is starting soon. Organiser Peter King is looking for NZ indie authors who are launching to promote. NZSA members launching books are welcome to email Peter with their title, ISBN and a short book description. Recorded exerpts of five minutes […]
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NZ Book Week
Book Week October 26 – November 1 New Zealand Society of Authors (PEN NZ Inc) celebrates Book Week with a grass roots campaign. Facing a second year with no NZ Book Month, the NZSA has taken the initiative and is running a grass roots campaign with the message “Read NZ Buy NZ”. NZSA Book Week […]
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Celebrated children’s author William Taylor dies
William Taylor, ONZM, the ‘grand old man’ of New Zealand children’s publishing, acclaimed author of richly comic novels for children and powerful fiction for young adults, died today (3 October) in Taumaranui, aged 77. Kyle Mewburn, president of the New Zealand Society of Authors says, “Bill Taylor was undoubtedly an icon of New Zealand literature. […]
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