Advocacy Engagement on behalf of NZ Writers – Archive


To the Honourable Brooke van Velden – Public Lending Right DIA 24.11.23

To the Honourable Erica Stanford School Libraries and Local Content. MOE 24.11.23

To the Honorable Simeon Brown Public Library Purchasing, Local Government 24.11.23

Book Sector Election 2023 FINAL Sept

MCH Long-Term Insights Briefing overview of submissions January 2023

Internet Archive US Ruling MBIE LETTER 19.05.23


NL Collections Disposal Policy_Feedback CLNZ NZSA PANZ_2023, 11 May

National Library letter. pdf

Letter to RNZ April 20, 2023

CPY230031 – Book industry – The Book Eco-system

Internet Archive US Ruling

WeCreate Submission to Auckland Council for meeting 17 March 2023

INZBC India/NZ Digital Report 24-04-23



Advice to NZ Authors Publishers re RNZ Storytimes 2022

Public Media Entity – presentation to select committee Oct 6, 2022

Aotearoa NZ Book Sector Submission to Aotearoa NZ Public Media Bill Sept 2022

Please buy local Minister Mahuta July 2022

ToiMai We Create presentation




Horizon Research Writers’ Earnings Survey Report 2021 FINAL

WeCreate Data and Statistics Bill Submission December 2021 FINAL

WeCreate MCH LTIB Submission October 2021

WeCreate Submission to Draft Emissions Reduction Plan Nov 2021

WeCreate TEC Submission WDC OIC – 2021

2020-21 NZ Public Libraries Data Summary report

Govt. Submission – Harmful language and freedom of speech July 2021

Philip Pullman UK SoA – 2021

National Library Partners With Internet Pirates – NZSAPANZ Media Release – 15 July 2021

Letter to SST and PHR Oct 14 2021

Letter to Minister Tinetti 220621

Letter to Minister Sepuloni July 12, 2021

Letter to Minister Clark 221220

Letter to MCH Bernadette Cavanagh June 8 2021

Letter to Attorney General September 2021

Books are Essential August 2021

Letter Response – Short story competition RadioNZ July 2021


Letter to Minister Sepuloni – calling for Budget increase for Arts Budget in 2021

NZSA Manifesto 2021


Call to Action – Digitisation of 600,000 Published Books by Internet Archive

Allen & Clark report – Review of the Public Lending Right Scheme Issues June 2020

Letter from NZSA to Ministry of Justice on Budapest – Cybercrime – Sept 2020

Letter from NZSA to SLANZA – re Public Lending Right

Letter to government ministers re writers income – March 2020 

Buy Local: request for public library and school book and text budgets to be spent in NZ

PANZ/CLNZ/NZSA response to MBIE December 2019 on new Frameworks Paper )Nov 2019) for Copyright Act Review

Letter to Minister Hipkins – Quota for NZ Books in English/School Library and Resource Buying offshore/Mandatory CLNZ Licences for schools/Support for DIA PLR review for ELR

DIA PLR – NZSA Submission to Review of PLR

NZSA – Letter to Government about Writers’ Lost Earnings – Covid 19

Request Books are considered Essential Items – Level 4, Covid-19

New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa PEN NZ Inc

The New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa Pen NZ Inc

Manifesto 2020 – March 2020

Changes to the Copyright Act – The Marrakesh Amendment Bill

AUGUST 2019 What NZ authors and publishers need to know

The New Zealand government has amended Sec 69 of the Copyright Act in order to implement a World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) agreement, known as the Marrakesh Treaty. The aim of the Treaty is to increase access to published materials for people who have a print disability. It is important that New Zealand authors and publishers are aware of these changes and the rights and obligations that you have as copyright owners.  You may be contacted by organisations that intend to make copies of your books that will then be provided to people with a print disability in New Zealand and in other countries that have signed up to the Marrakesh Treaty. This information outlines what the law says and the steps you may take and the template to use.

SECONDARY SCHOOL BOOKLIST – NZ Books for classroom study – with reading age levels, teacher’s notes and themes.

Horizon Research Writers Earnings Report

March 2019 READ HERE

The full report can be read here.

NZSA Submission to the Review of the Copyright Act Issues Paper

April 2019 READ HERE

Background paper in Support: Why Publishing Matters

April 2019 READ HERE

Submission to the review of Tomorrows’ Schools from the NZSA

March 2019 READ HERE

Submission to the Copyright Act Review to inform the Issues Paper December 2018

NZSA were preparing a submission to the Issues Paper due early April 2019.

Submission to the Marrakesh Treaty 2018

Here is the submission the NZ Society of Authors made to the Issues Paper and the Draft Amendment Bill. NZSA presented to the select committee in March 2019 on this issue. CLNZ also forwarded their own submission.

Positioning for the future: Draft strategic Directions to 2030 consultation document

31 August 2016

Here is the online submission NZSA made in response to the National Library consultation document (31 August 2016).

On the 11 October 2016 we received a summary of all submissions made.

Radio New Zealand Drama Department

June 2016

In February we wrote a letter to the Chief Executive of Radio New Zealand expressing our concern about reduced funding to the drama department and the consequent loss of staff. We did not get a response so followed up with a second letter in May.

The purpose of the letters was to ensure our national broadcasting service continues to offer quality radio drama from books and plays written by New Zealanders and that the creators are paid fairly for the use of the original and adapted works. We also wanted to discover if the cuts to the drama department are solely the result of the ‘fund freeze’ or if it is the direction RNZ would be taking regardless of available funds.

We have not had a written response yet but Kyle Mewburn, President of NZSA, received a call from RNZ to let us know that RNZ is taking a new approach to radio drama and changes will soon be announced. We look forward to the announcement.

Marrakesh Treaty submission

26 February 2016

The Marrakesh Treaty is an international treaty that aims to increase access to published works for people with a print disability. This Treaty provides for copyright exceptions within national laws to improve visually-impaired people’s access to copyright works in accessible formats (such as braille, audio or large print books).

On Friday, 30 October 2015 the Ministry released a discussion document to determine whether New Zealand should accede to the Marrakesh Treaty and if so what changes to the Copyright Act would be needed.  They invited submissions.

You can read the submission made by NZSA here.

CLNZ also made a submission here.

Exploring Digital Convergence Green Paper submission

16 October 2015

The Government’s Exploring Digital Convergence Green Paper provided an overarching view of the cross-government convergence work programme to ensure New Zealanders are able to realise the potential benefits and opportunities presented by convergence. They invited submissions.

You can read the submission made by NZSA here.

Submission to the Board of Review regarding the Review of the Classification of Into the River written by Ted Dawe

25 September 2015

You can read the submission made by NZSA National Office here and the submission made by our PEN representative, Dana Wensley, here

On the 14th October the Board of Review distributed their Majority Decision and the Presidents Dissenting Opinion.

Submission made to Copyright Licensing New Zealand Limited

February 2015

The New Zealand Society of Authors made a submission to Copyright Licensing NZ in February 2015.

The Submission argues that the Contestable Fund, instigated in 2014, is not an adequate substitute for the Writers Awards.

The CLNZ Board responded August 2015, gathering a group of writers and publishers to discuss what would be considered good investments for the Cultural Fund. Following that gathering CLNZ set a new 3-year Cultural Fund investment plan, reviewed their Contestable Fund criteria and established a new award for writers. The new award will open in 2016 and one award of $25,000 will be made to a writer each year for the next three years.

Copyright Licensing Writers Awards recipients 2002 – 2014

Public Lending Right for New Zealand Authors Scheme

The Public Lending Right for New Zealand Authors scheme was established in 2008 to compensate New Zealand authors, illustrators, and editors for the use of their books in New Zealand libraries.

As an author registered with the scheme, you’re entitled to receive annual compensation based on the number of copies of your title held in New Zealand libraries. This number is determined by a regular survey. More

Politicians – what are their plans for the literary sector?

Politicians and Writers – 2014

A General Election was held in New Zealand on 21 September 2014. A number of questions were put to the politicians to find out about their plans and policies for the literary community.

Go here to read the responses we received.

Submission Archive

Please contact the National Office if you are interested in submissions made prior to 2014