NZSA Peter & Dianne Beatson Fellowship – Recipient Announced!
We are delighted to announce the winner of the Peter & Dianne Beatson Fellowship 2016 is award-winning Otago poet Michael Harlow. Michael Harlow will be using his fellowship to complete a book of prose poems with the working title All the Pianos in the Wood. The selection panel were enormously excited by the high […]
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Banning of Ted Dawe’s book Into the River – media release
Book’s banning ‘exceedingly troubling’ The decision by the President of the Film and Literature Board of Review, Dr Don Mathieson, QC, to issue an Interim Restriction Order banning the sale or distribution of Auckland author Ted Dawe’s award-winning novel for teenagers Into the River, is exceedingly troubling, says New Zealand Society of Authors President, […]
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CLNZ/NZSA Research Grant recipients 2015
Four compelling NZ writing projects awarded grants Strong research is crucial to convincing writing and the recipients of this year’s Copyright Licensing New Zealand (CLNZ)/New Zealand Society of Authors (NZSA) Research Grants are four diverse and compelling writing projects. Open Research Grants of $5000 each were awarded to Heather McQuillan, Paul Moon and Philippa Werry. […]
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NZSA / Auckland Museum Research Grants Now Open for Applications
The Auckland Museum and NZ Society of Authors are once again delighted to offer two RESEARCH grants for writers who want to utilise the considerable facilities and resources of the Auckland Museum Library in the development of their fiction or non-fiction manuscript. This year’s grants comprise of: One National Grant of $4,000 supplemented […]
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Lilian Ida Smith Award 2015
Lilian Ida Smith Award 2015 seeks applications Deadline for applications 30 October The Lilian Ida Smith Award provides the successful applicant with an award of $3000 to assist them towards completion of a specific project. The Lilian Ida Smith Award was initiated when Lilian Ida Smith, a music teacher of Wanganui who had a keen […]
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CLNZ/NZSA Research Grants 2015
Deadline for applications 31 July Grants recognise research is crucial to great NZ writing Research is a crucial part of the writing process. Copyright Licensing New Zealand (CLNZ) and the New Zealand Society of Authors (NZSA) Research Grants support New Zealand writers by providing assistance to writers who wish to undertake research for a fiction or […]
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Dr Philip Temple NZSA President of Honour 2015 / 16
Each year the New Zealand Society of Authors (PEN NZ Inc) appoints a President of Honour. This position is awarded to a writer in recognition of their services to the Society and to the literary community. We are delighted to announce our President of Honour for the next 12 months, Dr. Philip Temple (ONZM).
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